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A Seminar on Drug Preparation and Treatment Processes



Two faculty members of the Pharmacy Department, namely Prof Dr Hamid Ghafouri and Dr Dorababu Neerugatti, presented two seminars about Drug Preparation and Treatment Processes on Thursday, Feb 28th.

In his speech, entitled Effects of α –L – Fucose as Dose Response in Healing Damaged Tissue, Prof Hamid Ghafori described fucose as a monosaccharide and a component of many glucoconjugates found in mammalian cells. He explained that fucose plays important role in a variety of physiological events. Due to its metabolic alteration and fucosylation of Gps, its level was found to be changed in many disorders. He emphasized that it is important to investigate whether or not fucose can be used in treating damage tissue through specific dose, and whether this dose can altered the rate of biochemical reactions occurs. The biochemical and histological aspects of fucose were discussed more in details.

During the second seminar, entitled Classification and Uses of Crude Drugs in Pharmacy, Dr Dorababu Neerugatti pointed out the importance of herbs as plants with savory or aromatic properties that are used for flavoring and garnishing food, medicinal purposes, or for fragrances; excluding vegetables and other plants consumed for macro nutrients. He discussed how crude drugs may be derived from various natural sources like plants, animals, minerals and micro organism etc, and he explained that because of their wide distribution the arrangement of classification in a definite sequence is necessary to understand easily.




